About Me and this blog

      I am a writer who keeps on writing. I am a Christian who keeps on loving God. I retired in June of 2020 (planned before the pandemic) from a school district where I worked as a school social worker. 

    If I'm a good girl, then I post on Sundays and on Wednesdays (used to be Mondays). Except for my Sunday posts, this blog focuses on writing, writers and readers. On the first Wednesday of each month, you might also find me participating in the Insecure Writers' Support Group blog hop. 

     I write each morning for a couple of hours. I was published (for compensation) in 1980s, for children's read-a-loud stories in a Missouri magazine. I'm working on submitting again. I self-published a (small) collection of short stories call Grim Tales from the Ruralhood. Mostly, I write short stories but in recent years have drafted several novels. 
T. Powell Coltrin Writes @Journaling Woman is only one of my blogs. I also write at The Ruralhood. There, I chronicle mostly things about (my) rural life and experiences from my youth. Living a rural (area) life helped shape who I've become.  
    I have a furry roommate who bosses me around, a Maltese and Shih-Tzu mix. Her name is Millie


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