Before cell phones, television, fast cars, fake boobs, computers, even before shopping malls, most people made their furniture, their clothing and of course their food from scratch. It had to be a hard life, but it was the way of life in earlier times. If people wanted bread they made a loaf. If they wanted a table to share that bread on, they made it. Now, I don’t in my wildest dreams ever compare anything I do with my power tools, electric sewing machines, or my new range to be as wonderful or even as well done as my ancestors did. But, there is something about that feeling of making something with your own two hands that when you step back and look, you feel pride and let out a big sigh of accomplishment. That's why I still make things.
One of my favorite treasures was given to me by Artsy Dad. It sits in my bedroom. If only “it” could talk. If only “it” would gossip, then I might hear the conversations of my wonderful ancestors.
One of my favorite treasures was given to me by Artsy Dad. It sits in my bedroom. If only “it” could talk. If only “it” would gossip, then I might hear the conversations of my wonderful ancestors.

My 1800's Primitive blanket chest. So wonderful and simplistic.
I am not sure what wood it is made from, but it is very sturdy. It measures 30½ x 20x 13½ inches. It was most likely made in the late 1800’s by my great grandfather. It was given to Paternal Grandmother by her mother, and then passed to Artsy Dad then to Journaling Woman.
End view.
I keep (shhh) gifts in it. It is a wonderful and charming piece of furniture in my bedroom. And it’s really nice, if you think about it, to use a piece of furniture that your family before you made and used.
Treasuring it!