Side Tripping
Took a little side trip - home today - down winding roads to a place where things are not the same, but are familiar. 
Lately, I have been noticing clouds, not sure why. Recently there have been ominous clouds bringing terrible storms. But mostly, the clouds have just been interesting and beautiful. Their very presence means something -there is a reason -and not to be taken for granted. I felt like today I was following the clouds.
I followed the road. And the road changed, but the clouds didn't. They stayed familiar until I reach the home of my youth.
I had been wondering what this wonderful weed like flower along the roadsides was. So, I asked Angel Mom, "What is that flower?" She said, "Goldenrod." Then I took a picture, so I would have it forever.
Then Angel Mom, Shepherdess Woman, Dr. Lovely daughter and I walked and talked under a Catalpa tree in SW's yard. This very tree I tried to climb when I was little, long before it became her tree, if you can own a tree. Electronics Man and I use to play swords with the seed pods. So long ago.

Side tripping ended with slobbers on my forehead from SW's Mastiff. I think it was a kiss. Hard to tell from his expression. SW may have laughed at me. And SW made me hold little yellow boy, a new kitty. She knows I love each and every yellow kitty in the world. Yes every one. She is cruel to poor Journaling Woman to tempt her with such preciousness.
Good Night.
So I watched the road and I watched the clouds. I tried to be careful.

Side tripping ended with slobbers on my forehead from SW's Mastiff. I think it was a kiss. Hard to tell from his expression. SW may have laughed at me. And SW made me hold little yellow boy, a new kitty. She knows I love each and every yellow kitty in the world. Yes every one. She is cruel to poor Journaling Woman to tempt her with such preciousness.
Good Night.