Gimme a Tuesday Smile...
Sometimes you just need a chuckle.
Laugh hearty.
It's good for you.
"Hi, Honey," the blogger wife said to the husband when she came home from work. "How was your day?"
"Just terrible." he said, "I got fired. Someone ran a red light and plowed into our new car. When I got home the dog ran out of the house and hasn’t come back."
The blogger wife stared at her beloved with calm resolve.
"The computer’s hard drive is fried." he continued. "My mother is coming to live with us."
The blogger wife's face suddenly went pale. “Wait, wait," Her voice was strained. "What did you say...the computer’s not working?”
YOU know you are addicted to blogging when:
1. You blog in traffic.
2. You believe there is no such thing as "family secrets".
3. You take pictures of everything, just in case you want to blog about it.
4. You say I "blog you", instead of "love you" to your family.
5. You write 20 anonymous comments on your blog to look popular.
6. You can make anything a blog post including the life of a cockroach. (Sound familiar C?)
7. Your Christmas card is a picture of you and your blog.
8. You swear that you spend no more than 10 minutes a day blogging. Uh huh.
9. You keep saying you can quit anytime. Uh huh.
10. Your family tries intervention farms and bloggatine patches to help you let go.
I really feel sorry for those blog addicted people, don't you? They're a mess.
The End.
Laugh hearty.
It's good for you.
"Hi, Honey," the blogger wife said to the husband when she came home from work. "How was your day?"
"Just terrible." he said, "I got fired. Someone ran a red light and plowed into our new car. When I got home the dog ran out of the house and hasn’t come back."
The blogger wife stared at her beloved with calm resolve.
"The computer’s hard drive is fried." he continued. "My mother is coming to live with us."
The blogger wife's face suddenly went pale. “Wait, wait," Her voice was strained. "What did you say...the computer’s not working?”
YOU know you are addicted to blogging when:
1. You blog in traffic.
2. You believe there is no such thing as "family secrets".
3. You take pictures of everything, just in case you want to blog about it.
4. You say I "blog you", instead of "love you" to your family.
5. You write 20 anonymous comments on your blog to look popular.
6. You can make anything a blog post including the life of a cockroach. (Sound familiar C?)
7. Your Christmas card is a picture of you and your blog.
8. You swear that you spend no more than 10 minutes a day blogging. Uh huh.
9. You keep saying you can quit anytime. Uh huh.
10. Your family tries intervention farms and bloggatine patches to help you let go.
I really feel sorry for those blog addicted people, don't you? They're a mess.
The End.
Yep, sounds a little like me....just a little
It's fun.
PS I am writing this from a rehab center, in sunny Arizona, for out of control bloggers. Will see you soon.