Senior is beginning to mean something entirely different to me these days, but we shall not talk about such things.
This photo represented my senior year in high school.
My schedule that year:
Study hall (remember study hall?)
Student Helper (principals office)
Favorite Quote:
Tis Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. (I'll get back to you on that one)
Car: Light green 1965 mustang
Favorite Movie: The Cross and The Switchblade
Favorite TV shows: The Walton's, Sonny and Cher and Happy Days.
Favorite Commercial: Hamm's Beer (with a Kodiak bear)
Favorite Album: David Bowie- Sorrow and Ozark Mountain Daredevils
Soft Drink- 15 cents
Hamburger - 45 cents
Pizza - $2.25
Gasoline: 50 cents a gallon
Rock Concert: $3.00 - 5.oo
Records: 80 cents
Tapes: $5.00
So what was going on during this time with me personally? I was excited to finish high school. I really wanted to go to college, but couldn't. (I went later) So, I signed up for a business school instead. But I met a boy who wanted to get married, so I decided not to go to school, but instead worked at a low paying job to save for my wedding. I moved out of my parents home for a short time, but moved back when I found out I couldn't live on my own and save too.
Three different young men professed their love for me that summer and asked me to marry them...but at the time I didn't believe in Polyandry...I am rethinking this. What would I want with three husbands? We can talk later. My mother may be watching. (Just kidding, mom)
That era seems long ago or was it yesterday?
We had a school reunion this year and I'm still mates with some of my old high school friends.
I DO remember study hall! When I tell my son about it, though, he just shakes his head in amazement. He'd LOVE an hour in the day to study and get homework done!
Mystery Writing is Murder
also i have a sth for u on my blog plss visit
WD,Yes I would enjoy you doing that. I will visit for sure.
Hey, Lesley, Reunions are tricky for me...nice to see people but a little depressing.
Elizabeth - Aw studyhall, where I could exchange smiles and peeks at boys. I did get my homework done.
Tugce- I will head over after I have my coffee - it's 6:17 am here. I really want to go back to bed. :)
Your loving sister.
Ya'll have one fantastically blessed day filled with fond memories!!!
I graduated in 1973 so everything you mentioned brought back cool memories:)
LOVED study halls!