Reasons Not To Write...

1. I need to make a phone call.

2. A nap is safer.

3. My carpel tunnel is hurting - really.

4. Now I have "tennis elbow".

5. Have you seen my read pile?

6. I need a new computer.

7. I've never liked criticism.

8. I need to visit my blogger friends.

9. I need to decide what to be when I grow up.

10. But the biggest and bestest (hey does that word hurt you like it does me?) reason not to write is because- Who do I think I am -trying to put sentences together for a story- an Agatha Christie?

There will always be reasons why you could stop working toward your dream. There will always be people who will try to determine your worth. But, if you feel like quitting. S.T.O.P. IT.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded." Hebrews 10:35 (NIV)
Whether you are trying to write a book, paint a portrait, ride a horse, go back to school, start over or kick the habit... you must keep building on your dream.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
And the only way to build on your dream is to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, paint to canvas, butt to saddle, or feet to flight.

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV)

Are you discouraged? Does your task seem too big? Wednesday's inspired is to encourage you to continue to build on your dream. Don't ever give up!

When you are discouraged, what do you do to get back on track?


Arlee Bird said…
Maybe you should become a motivational speaker. You got me fired up now! Yes, I can do it!
Lee, Yes you can. Keep it going!!!
Betty Manousos said…
Thanks for your post.I love this one, as usual. You just inspired me.
Have a great day!
Betty xx
White Dove said… this really how you are feeling? It just doesn't sound like the Teresa I have come to know.... Remember, tennis elbow does get better (I know from experience) and all those other feelings will go when Spring hang in there girl!

A few years back when my husband was doing his Masters in Creative Arts (Playwriting) a fellow cohort rang him one night in tears. He had killed off his main character and was in despair. Now this is the thing about are in can do whatever you wish with your characters, they are putty in your hands. So my husband said "Pull yourself together man....bring her back to life....and he did! It was just so easy. Enjoy your hobby...don't let it get you down!
Inspiring! Thanks.

And it's true that insecurity is the source of many days where we don't feel like writing...

Mystery Writing is Murder
Build a sandwich. Literally, a good sandwich will go far in restoring my confidence. So will a banana split. And, telling the world you're too busy with your passion to pay attention to chores.
Betty, You are very welcome. I always appreciate your coming by.

WD, Of course this is about me. Isn't it always? :) I vow to quit writing at least once a month. But I can't. Hope so on the elbow. I love that story and think I want to come live in your backyard so you can encourage me. Would that be strange?

Elizabeth, It's true. And we just have keep on doing what we love.

Lakeviewer, Wow, I may have to have a banana split for breakfast...but I will have to use my left elbow.
Anonymous said…
No. 8 is the one that gets me, every time. Hence my pending blog vacation. Following 250-odd blogs gets tiring after a while... *whew*

simon, That's good idea, a blog vacation.
Mason Canyon said…
Your post are always inspiring to me. Thanks for your words of encouragement.
Mason, No problem. Thanks for supporting my blog!
Ann Elle Altman said…
My husband always quotes me this scripture...

Ecclesiastes 12:12
"...Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body."

How's that for encouragement? ha ha ha... I push past.

Joanne said…
All it takes for me is about 5 seconds of considering my life without my dream, without writing. An unacceptable, sad thought that motivates me right back to the keyboard :)
Devon Ellington said…
If I'm on deadline, I just suck it up and do it, whether I feel like it or not. I don't write, I don't eat. It's that simple.

When I have the time and feel discouraged, I spend time with friends or work out, or read, or, if I'm really stuck, I find looking at paintings helps.
CM said…
I know how you feel. I second guess every time I hit Publish.

But in the end, it's YOUR blog! We, your readers, love coming here because of who you are and what you write, whether it be a snippit of writing that you put your heart and soul into, or a simple quip for the day! It's ALL good!
Mary Aalgaard said…
I answered YES to all your questions. I bookmarked this post. Will read it whenever the Pit pulls me down.
Cindy said…
The kick in the pants I needed! lol
Mama M. said…
Wow! What a fabulous breath of fresh air!! Thank you for the inspirational words!!
Tamika: said…
Words to live by, Scripture encourages me everytime. Thank you!
Mark said…
There is always a reason why we don't do. Sometimes you have to fake it to make it or find something like you wrote today for inspiration.
MedSchoolWife said…
Thanks for the encouragement! It's a great reminder. When I am discouraged, I talk to someone who knows, loves, and believes in me and hope they talk me back into it! Or I just pray, sleep, and start again.
JeMA said…
I would say I was feeling very down in the pit this week, feeling very overwhelmed and sad. It is always comforting to know you are not alone. There is God, there are good friends, there are even inspirational bloggers who are strangers, yet companions. (thank you to Mary for connecting me to your beautiful blog)
Ann, I am sure I've read that scripture, but I feel like I am seeing it for the first time.

Joanne, Life without dreams is meaningless.

Devon, Yes we have to do what we have to do, that's for certain.

CM, Yes, and I hope you all keep coming back. :)

Mary, The pit calls my name regularly.

Cindy, MamaM and Tamika- Glad I could help.:)

Mark, Welcome. We all know what it takes to get ourself out of the funk or out of the doubting game.

Constance, I think that is why it's important to have friends and family you can talk to. Oh and I vote for sleep- lot's of sleep.

JeMA, I am sooo glad you dropped by. Come back again.
White Dove said…
So Teresa.... surely reading all the wonderful comments from your readers has already lifted your spirits...and to know just how many of us can identify with you on these matters makes it all seem so less important in the scheme of things. I know you have the strength and faith to come through....I speak from my own years of experience... Go Gal !
Unknown said…
Teresa, I hope you feel better. You are so inspiring, and it all starts with the first step.

Take care & God bless.
Anonymous said…
TJ, you can't imagine how lucky i feel to know you. This post really encouraged me. I loved 10:35(NIV).
thanks for sharing. Never Give up!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
awhhhhhh i cannot write anything or i should admit that i have no desire to write coz i must study for exams to get a job but i cannot endure these all tasks, i have lost my inspiration
thanks for sharing this
i hope u didn't forget me
have a great day
Elspeth Futcher said…
I remind myself why I started down this road in the first place. I also remind myself I've proven I can write fairly well from those lovely royalty cheques arriving four times a year.
Anonymous said…
Very, very, very good words! I really should stop working on my blog for next week and work on that manuscript but... ya know, I want to check in on my blogging buddies - like you! ;)

Okay, okay. Point taken.
I wondered where my list went off to!) On days when I really can’t get started for any of those reasons, I try taking a walk. Sometimes an idea will jump into my head and that makes me want to go back home so I can write it down.
WD, You are the dearest person.

Judy, Thank you so much! I am hoping spring will help me.

Yagmur, I am glad the post inspired. I am glad to know you too!

Tugce, I would never forget you. And don't lose your inspiration!

Elspeth, Royalties indeed inspire! You are fabulous writer!

Kimberly, Checking in on other bloggers is soooo much fun isn't it?

Jane, Funny. I would say reasons that get in our way of writing IS pretty universal. I will start walking when it gets warmer and YES that does help.
♥ Braja said…
I usually do something very different than what I want to achieve; or I take time out....fighting it is failure...
Gail said…
You need to tell me more! I am still wallowing in my personal valley.

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