Broken Hearts

Today, I've got nothing- except

If you are a praying person, we have some broken hearts to pray for:

Jenna at Something She Wrote, lost her dad. She and her family are grieving for someone they love so much. Now they must find a way to live without his comfort, presence and love.

Ashley - a young woman whose, almost two-year-old, son awoke lethargic and pale. She took him to the doctor. There, he stopped breathing. They couldn't resuscitate. Autopsy showed that he had a rare intestinal  condition. They believe a blood vessel had broken and caused his death. He was an only child. He was an only grandchild. His mother donated 15 of her child's organs to save other lives. Please pray for her broken heart.

Kay My Random Acts of Reading's mother has dementia. She is fading- fast and they have to watch. Their hearts are breaking too.


They'll be in my prayers. So tragic. Thanks for sharing, Teresa.
Devon Ellington said…
They are both in my thoughts.
Hi Teresa .. absolutely friends and loved ones in heart-felt grief deserve much love and compassion at this time .. my thoughts to them .. Hilary
Mason Canyon said…
Such sadness. They are both in my prayers and thoughts.

I'd like to add one, Kay at My Random Acts of Reading
Her mother has dementia and has took a turn for the worse. Please keep her in your prayers too.

Thoughts in Progress
Gail said…
supportive prayers going up
Joanne said…
I'm so sorry to read this, and hoping they all find a peace in their difficult days ahead. My thoughts are with them.
Angela C. said…
Losing a loved one is never easy so definitely putting all of them in my prayers.
A child is a mother's heart so my heart breaks too for this mother. I can't even imagine the grief. I pray God puts His loving arms around her and her family.

God Bless
Angela C.
Carol Kilgore said…
Of course.
Thanks for letting us know.
Prayers of comfort and peace bombarding the heavens right now. So many hurts and need out there, my heart goes out to them.

Thanks for bringing these needs to us. God bless you!
Naqvee said…
My prayers will ease their way and their hearts will be comforted. may God bless us all
Mary Aalgaard said…
My prayer for all these wounded people is for healing, comfort, and a willingness to reach out and accept the loving embraces that are there for them. So sad. thanks for sharing these stories.
Unknown said…
Wow, that's so sad. I just look at my family and so many problems are creeping in. Health problems. Well, no wonder, the air's bad, the water's bad, the food's bad. It's sad, sad, sad.

Christine Danek said…
So sad. They will be in my prayers.
Cindy said…
That certainly puts my problems into perspective. I'll join in the prayers for these families.
Everything comes to a stop at this moment. I do not know the people you mentioned; but, I know you and I know how it all feels when someone is no longer among us. Dark. Only prayers and songs can lift the spirit.
Tana said…
I've lifted them in prayer. That you for directing us to their need.
Betty Manousos said…
They will be in my prayers. I'm really really sad.
Thanks, Teresa for sharing we us.
B xx

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