What's happening in SO MO?
... this and that.
New Blog Look
I am trying something new and simple with the blog. Thanks for the nice comments. I'm trying to get my blog favorites updated. I've created an awards - slide show in the sidebar. I have other things I want to add - so bear with me.
Posting for JW: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Posting for The Ruralhood: Saturday (Next post: A Summertime Job for a Rural Girl)
Computer Woes
It's been a long bumpy road from the time I picked out my new laptop, bought it, had it delivered, did the updates, registered everything, loaded a few files from the old to the new - just to have its memory fail, to call the company for another to be delivered - to get IT delivered, to get the old sent back, and start the new computer stuff again. (Whew that was a long sentence.) I've been permanently copying over files from the desktop computer. I didn't know I had soooo much on my old computer. I want to wipe it and then reload it. It'll take a while.
I'm still writing. I am currently finishing two shorts. Then I need to get them sent out. I have been working on an essay. I also have been working on two books and have decided I need to choose. I'm not talented enough to work on both at the same time- even though I want to.
My new grandchild is a …boy!!! He will be born in late August...probably...maybe. I didn’t care what gender the baby was, but it seems my poor little six-year-old granddaugther did. She was a little distraught. She loves her two older brothers very much, but she really wanted a more balanced family...you know...another girl. She told me, "I will not change his diapers." She stayed the night with me a week ago. We did a lot of drawing and talking. She called it a sleepover. We did a couple of drawings in oil pastels. I have an apple on my kitchen wall that I did in pastels and she wanted to make one. DID I mention she is very talented and quite beautiful? I would say that about any six-year-old genus girl-child who has movie star qualities. Yes I would!!!
200 Posts
As I said before my hiatus, I've reached my 200th post. I want to give away my give-a-aways during the next few weeks. If you would like to be entered in the drawings- just tell me in the comment- "enter me" or something like that.
Here are the trinkets:
Journal 1 - IWrite (First week drawing) Entries for drawings will be Monday-Saturday. I will tell you the next Monday who wins. You don't have to enter if you don't wish to. But, if you would like to enter, please indicate so in the comment area.
A little ole pillow made by...me. We call it blackbird. Who's we?
New Blog Look
I am trying something new and simple with the blog. Thanks for the nice comments. I'm trying to get my blog favorites updated. I've created an awards - slide show in the sidebar. I have other things I want to add - so bear with me.
Posting for JW: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Posting for The Ruralhood: Saturday (Next post: A Summertime Job for a Rural Girl)
Computer Woes
It's been a long bumpy road from the time I picked out my new laptop, bought it, had it delivered, did the updates, registered everything, loaded a few files from the old to the new - just to have its memory fail, to call the company for another to be delivered - to get IT delivered, to get the old sent back, and start the new computer stuff again. (Whew that was a long sentence.) I've been permanently copying over files from the desktop computer. I didn't know I had soooo much on my old computer. I want to wipe it and then reload it. It'll take a while.
I'm still writing. I am currently finishing two shorts. Then I need to get them sent out. I have been working on an essay. I also have been working on two books and have decided I need to choose. I'm not talented enough to work on both at the same time- even though I want to.
My new grandchild is a …boy!!! He will be born in late August...probably...maybe. I didn’t care what gender the baby was, but it seems my poor little six-year-old granddaugther did. She was a little distraught. She loves her two older brothers very much, but she really wanted a more balanced family...you know...another girl. She told me, "I will not change his diapers." She stayed the night with me a week ago. We did a lot of drawing and talking. She called it a sleepover. We did a couple of drawings in oil pastels. I have an apple on my kitchen wall that I did in pastels and she wanted to make one. DID I mention she is very talented and quite beautiful? I would say that about any six-year-old genus girl-child who has movie star qualities. Yes I would!!!
200 Posts
As I said before my hiatus, I've reached my 200th post. I want to give away my give-a-aways during the next few weeks. If you would like to be entered in the drawings- just tell me in the comment- "enter me" or something like that.
Here are the trinkets:
Journals - why? Because I love them.

Journal 2- Dream
Little plaque- with what could be my motto.
A little ole pillow made by...me. We call it blackbird. Who's we?
$10 B&N Gift Card
I've missed being away, but I'm back!! So what's up with you?
Have a great day!
I love the look of your blog, and you've certainly kept busy.
Congrats on the 200 posts.
Great pillow!
Betty xx
Thoughts in Progress
All's quiet in my neck of the woods, querying and writing as usual. Hope to get my vegetable garden planted later this week, finally!
That's exciting about the new grandson! My daughter has an August birthday. :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
I'd love to be entered, JW. Thanks.
Keep me still in your prayers...I'm still without a job one year later. I have God and faith, but feeling very down and being human worried so pray for me to strengthen my faith and my prayers!
I would LOVE to be entered for your drawing. Yeppers sign me right up!
Angela Case
I love to be entered. Drooling over the blackbird pillow. :-)
God bless ya and have a marvelous Monday!!!
Nothing new with me, but isn’t it great being a grandmother!
I'm so busy with my boys in May. Also, trying to get Act 2 written on my script.
Thanks for your beautiful comments.
I love the purple journal, put my name in the hat for that one, please! I love purple anything. If dogs and horses were that color, I would have many more than I already do.
Welcome back.
(I can't believe you've reached your 200th! I was the fortunate winner of the beautiful journal giveaway for your 100th...so I'll sit this one out and be back in the running for your 300th! Go Girl !)
Then two blogs and x books - I can't keep up .. and then I get to the bottom and see four of you peering out at me .. in various guises ..
I love the Ruralhood .. just shows us life as it was .. simple, straight forward, the day to be done .. no shilly-shallying around ..
Re your awards .. everyone loves them .. so please share with others .. lots going on here ..
Happy Days and welcome back! Hilary
Enter me (or something like that) and congratulations on your 200 + posts. That's awesome!
Grats on your soon to be born grandson and on the wonderful, beautiful, talented six year old grand daughter you have. Sounds like you're an awesome grandma. :)
All those projects- wow... How on Earth do you keep them all straight?!
I like your blog look:) I also like your prizes alot! So please enter me for any of them!!!
Welcome back around:))
I got word of another grandchild on the way around Dec. 5. My daughter lives in NJ so that's not too convenient. I'll have one granddaughter here in CA and one on the other coast. Oh what to do!