Inside the Sandwich
The other day, I sat in a room full of people and wondered about their smiling faces and why their smiles disappeared so quickly.
I knew some of the people were struggling with “things”, but, I wondered if I had been allowed to listen to the hearts of everyone in the room, what would I have heard?
Would I have heard hearts breaking? Would it have overwhelmed me?
We all have to deal. We all have to function when times get tough.
Some of their stories I knew. Some may have been hiding the pain. Some may have been wishing someone else knew what they were going through. And some may have been wishing someone else had their troubles. Many broken hearts, I imagine, were wishing someone would make their pain go away.
No one goes through this life without heartbreak.
For humankind, this may be the tie that binds, the glue that bonds. Heartbreak.
In my own times of crisis and broken-heartedness, I like to think of myself as the insides of a sandwich.
God’s hand on one side, God’s other hand on the other side. Me? Gently sandwiched between love and power.
“You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me”. (Psalm 139:5, NIV)
Do you ever wonder if there is a deeper story when those who are hired to serve you (i.e., cashier, bankteller, receptionist, health professionals) are rude?
I knew some of the people were struggling with “things”, but, I wondered if I had been allowed to listen to the hearts of everyone in the room, what would I have heard?
Would I have heard hearts breaking? Would it have overwhelmed me?
We all have to deal. We all have to function when times get tough.
Some of their stories I knew. Some may have been hiding the pain. Some may have been wishing someone else knew what they were going through. And some may have been wishing someone else had their troubles. Many broken hearts, I imagine, were wishing someone would make their pain go away.
No one goes through this life without heartbreak.
For humankind, this may be the tie that binds, the glue that bonds. Heartbreak.
In my own times of crisis and broken-heartedness, I like to think of myself as the insides of a sandwich.
God’s hand on one side, God’s other hand on the other side. Me? Gently sandwiched between love and power.
“You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me”. (Psalm 139:5, NIV)
Do you ever wonder if there is a deeper story when those who are hired to serve you (i.e., cashier, bankteller, receptionist, health professionals) are rude?
The sandwich true! What a good reminder :-)
Yes, all the time. Sometimes you can just 'feel' the pain or discouragement in their presence. Sometimes God just lays a heavy burden for someone on my heart. Everyone has a story and I am always blessed when I can lend an ear or give a word of encouragement.
God bless and have yourself one glorious day sweetie!
God bless and have a wonderful day.
Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I worked in retail for many years, and I never took it personally when customers were rude. Sure it's annoying, but rude customers only ruin your day if you let them.
One of my favorite quotes was said by Plato: "Be kind to everyone you meet. They're fighting battles you know nothing about."
It's so true. Just because someone is rude doesn't mean that's who they are. Something could be bothering them and they're unknowingly taking it out on you. Whenever I encounter a rude person who must have something unfortunate going on, I feel grateful for my blessed life!
Still, heartbreak can indeed bond many people and can serve as a foundation for common understanding. When people can get honest about that there are few things I won't tolerate in order to help/support them. Big hugs to you for this post, Teresa. :)
I've seen both sides of it. I've given a smile and it disappeared because of having a lot on my mind. So I know that happens, and a lot goes on inside a person.
I've also experienced seeing it in others, and I pray for them. When people though are rude to me, I agree with what most others have said in that it's most likely not really me...but something they are going through.
Life is a journey we all are traveling so we need to spend more time praying one another up, instead of breaking one another down. Prayer does change things!
God bless, and my prayers are still going out for you and your friend!
So many have trials and tribulations .. one of the differences is the way we approach them - with a positive heart, or with negative feelings ..I'd rather have positive outsides - as I know the inside filling is positive.
We will live and so let us enjoy even the tiny parts that will help to rebuild our lives .. keep a smile upfront .. it lightens the day & will almost certainly lighten others days.
Thanks - Hilary
What a great comparison/meaning is hidden in these few words!
B xx