A thought to Inspire...

"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other."  -- Douglas Everett, American Hockey Player

Quote source:  Famous Quotes


Gail said…
I agree with Jules...oh, that I were that one!
Mason Canyon said…
Definitely a thought to ponder today.

Thoughts in Progress
Betty Manousos said…
Love it! So very true!

Happy Wednesday!

Big hugs!

B xx
Joanne said…
I have a feeling Everett made his hockey dream a reality. Kudos to him!
Laura S. said…
Love this! Thanks for sharing. :)
JeMA said…
There is the hope!
Arlee Bird said…
I wouldn't always want to turn my sleep dreams into reality, but I've often made efforts to make my daydreams become real.

Tossing It Out
Green Monkey said…
that was a delicious dose of medicine....

thank you!
CM said…
Now how do I get there??? :-)
Hart Johnson said…
Very nice writer's mantra!
And from a hockey player no less!
Terri Tiffany said…
Oh wow-- I LOVE this thought! I hope I can apply it!
Carol Kilgore said…
Excellent quote. Thanks. Now I'm going to work on turning my dream into reality.
Anonymous said…
As a writer this is a good mindset to have. To spin a great yarn one must turn a dream into reality, or at least convince the reader to think you've done just that.

Stephen Tremp

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