Monsters and...
Seven-year-old Granddaughters
“Grandma, what kinds of monsters live in your house?”
“I don’t have monsters in my house. I’ve lived here as old as your dad is and I’ve never seen a single monster. And, I've looked under every bed and in every closet," I said trying to cover all monster hideouts.
“I saw one.”
“In that one bedroom.” Her eyes narrowed. Her voice got lower. “I saw it out of the corner of my eye. I saw... its shadow.”
“Show me.” Goosebumps danced on my arms.
“It’s gone.”
Where does she get that imagination?
I wonder.
Have a great monster of a weekend.
Enjoy, they turn into teenagers!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
God bless ya and have a marvelous Mother's Day weekend.
No need to wonder any longer - I think I know .. but I'll keep the secret to myself ...! cheers Hilary