
When my son was three or four years old he was running through our house, tripped, and hurt himself. During his crying jag, he said to me, “Why did you let me run in the house? I hurt myself.”
He wanted to blame someone.
Instead of laughing at his question (because I really wanted to) I pulled him in my lap and covered his  tear stained little face with kisses and said, “Sometimes you have to decide whether you should run or walk.”
Of course, we would like to keep our children from experiencing pain, but we can’t. Instead, we step back most of the time and hope they will grow forward from experience. Wisdom gained through a journey of bumpy roads is not easily forgotten.
Have you ever said this to God, why do you let these things happen to me? I have. Human nature tends to shift blame to someone else. The art of blaming began early when Adam blamed Eve (and God for giving her to him) and Eve blamed the tempter (Genesis 3:11-14).
I don’t know exactly why God allows suffering, but, I believe he uses our experiences to perfect us for his Kingdom (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). 
“We know that God uses everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose—for them.” Romans 8:28 (NIV).
God’s plan for His children’s eternity is huge. We will live in a paradise (like no other). We will not see one more tear. We won’t have one more backache. We will see the lion lay beside a lamb without giving into his own cravings. We will live in the presence of the most pure and powerful form of love—God the Father and forever. It’s something we can only imagine.
When bad things happen, it’s understandable to say “Why are these things happening to me”. But consider this, the next time good things happen to you to try saying, “Why are these things happening to me?” It changes everything.
“Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked? When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.”  Ecclesiastes 7:13-14 (NIV)

Blessings ~~JW
Bible Source: Bible Gateway


Blame Him for the good - now that puts it in perspective, doesn't it?
Linda Hoye said…
Wise words indeed.
Unknown said…
Your son was very clever at 4 but fortunately you had the answer he needed to hear. Wise words. God bless!
Deb Shucka said…
Something new to consider. Lots of wisdom here. Thank you.
Mary Aalgaard said…
There were lots of "Whys" while I participated in the Race for the Cure walk this weekend. But, when I think of the phrase, working all things for good, I see how it brings people together to show love and support.
Gail said…
In a nutshell...we would not know when we have it good, if we also did not have some bad.
Tracy said…
This is a great topic...gosh something I totally struggle with and probably every person in this world does.
I love your points you make and love what you said to your crying child...

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