It's Never What It Seems
Dear Journal,
It’s never what it seems to be, is it?
History and… scary movies tells us that it only takes one of something to start the world’s end. You know the signs, a locust or a grasshopper, a crazy rogue robot or, as we saw in the movie Arachnophobia, one spider leads to another and suddenly your world is one big wicked web.
So imagine my distress when I went out to my breezeway (screened porch thingy) to feed my cat and saw a huge spider on the inside of the screen door. (It is to the left of the red slur of words that I tried to provide you as a guide, but you can't read.) I didn't want to get upset so early, so I didn't look at it again. But I was feeling anguish...early morning Arachnophobia anguish.
That's the worse kind for me.
So, I fed Kiki Dee (cat) and retrieved my can of 20-foot shootin' bug spray and strapped it on my hip and headed back outside. See here’s the thing, I do own a heart. My rule is if spiders are on the outside of my house, I won’t kill them. And it was technically on the outside.
My desire was to shoo this one out the door without freaking out.

As I walked closer to the door, I realized I'd been mistaken because on the screen was a beautiful baby frog instead of a spider. I put down the can of spray and picked BF up and took it safely out of doors.
See how I am?Dear Journal, we must learn lessons or life is a waste. My lesson that day? Don’t jump to conclusions without further investigation. Many things in life, I've learned, are not what they seem to be. The good can turn ugly and the bad can turn to good.
Oh and I learned, I could really benefit from some Arachnophobic therapy. Journaling is not helping in this case.
Lovingly yours,
PS I think this is BF's parent. I found this tree frog on my deck. He or she looks surly. Probably, he's a he if he's surly. Hee Hee!
It’s never what it seems to be, is it?
History and… scary movies tells us that it only takes one of something to start the world’s end. You know the signs, a locust or a grasshopper, a crazy rogue robot or, as we saw in the movie Arachnophobia, one spider leads to another and suddenly your world is one big wicked web.
So imagine my distress when I went out to my breezeway (screened porch thingy) to feed my cat and saw a huge spider on the inside of the screen door. (It is to the left of the red slur of words that I tried to provide you as a guide, but you can't read.) I didn't want to get upset so early, so I didn't look at it again. But I was feeling anguish...early morning Arachnophobia anguish.
That's the worse kind for me.
So, I fed Kiki Dee (cat) and retrieved my can of 20-foot shootin' bug spray and strapped it on my hip and headed back outside. See here’s the thing, I do own a heart. My rule is if spiders are on the outside of my house, I won’t kill them. And it was technically on the outside.
My desire was to shoo this one out the door without freaking out.

As I walked closer to the door, I realized I'd been mistaken because on the screen was a beautiful baby frog instead of a spider. I put down the can of spray and picked BF up and took it safely out of doors.
See how I am?
Oh and I learned, I could really benefit from some Arachnophobic therapy. Journaling is not helping in this case.
Lovingly yours,
PS I think this is BF's parent. I found this tree frog on my deck. He or she looks surly. Probably, he's a he if he's surly. Hee Hee!
cheers - glad Kiki Dee got her food .. and Arachnophobia got away for now! Hilary
Great story with a wonderful lesson.
Take cre,