It's Time

It’s time to take the decorations down,
It’s time to set the goals,
It’s time to move from old to new,
It’s time to take control.

That's all I've got today because it's time to go back to work. I'm wishing  you all a great day.
It's Time!


Hi Teresa .. I know the holidays soon finish don't they .. have a very good year ahead. Lots of joy and happiness too .. cheers Hilary
Melbourne Girl said…
You bet it's time baby!!
The deco's are coming down Tuesday and the new year really gets started after that
Have a great January Teresa
I'm not quite ready to take down the decorations. I'm still enjoying the lingering Christmas spirit. Maybe by this weekend....
Arlee Bird said…
Since we didn't put up any decorations this year we don't have to worry about that part. But I'm here in Houston right now and still need to make the long drive home.

I likewise wish you a great day and a great year as well.

Joanne said…
Our decorations came down this past weekend. What a whirlwind the holidays are, aren't they? I always love January, just for that post-holiday quiet lull.

Wishing you the best, Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
Our tree goes out to the curb today! Bye bye tree. And time to shove all the decorations back into the garage cabinets for another year. Happy New Year to you and yours!
It is time! Although the decorations came down yesterday.
Gail said…
May your year be a joyous one.
Laura S. said…
My decorations are down, but my Christmas tree is still up and decorated. :) I don't take that down for a little while yet!

Happy New Year, Teresa! Now it's time to get back to work. :)
There's something melancholic about taking the ornaments down. That is why I leave my tree up all year -- it is the scrawny replica of the tree from A CHARLIE BROWN CHIRSTIMAS. "It only needs a little love"

Looking at it all year reminds me that most people are like that tree - they only need a little love. Have a great 2012 -- Roland
Hart Johnson said…
Happy New Year to you! It is definitely fresh start time... time to get to it. (I sort of love fresh starts)
Mary Aalgaard said…
May 2012 give you plenty of time to do what you love.
Mason Canyon said…
Are you sure there's not a few more hours before it's time? I'm wondering how to start a new year when I haven't finished the old one yet. Wishing you a safe and Happy New Year.

Thoughts in Progress
Matthew MacNish said…
Hi Teresa. I'm just dropping by from Alex's blog, and am now your newest follower, so:

Nice to meet you!
Nicole Zoltack said…
We're waiting until Friday to take down our decorations. Our sons love them so much!
Elana Johnson said…
*snaps whip* Back at it! Good luck.
Jayne said…
'Tis time all right. I'm ready for the comfort of ritual. Bring it on!

Happy New Year, T. :)
Indie said…
Hapy New Year to you my dear friend!


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