Death and sitting NAKED

I am participating in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge again this year. What is this mysterious blogging challenge you ask? Arlee Bird from Tossing it Out came up with this fantastic idea where bloggers post using consecutive letters of the alphabet for 26 days in April. It grew in numbers, and Arlee now has many helpers. To view other participates of the A-Z event click here.
Odd deaths happen, right? It’s sort of like being at the right place at the right wrong time. My A-Z 2016 blogging journey takes us down the road of Death by Oddity. Come join me.
N= Death and sitting NAKED
Do I have your attention? Well, Michael Godwin wasn’t just sitting naked, he was sitting naked on a metal toilet seat while biting into an electrical cord. Hence, his demise. There’s more to the story here, about being an inmate for some serious crimes, trying to fix earphones for his TV, and more.
If I’ve learned one thing during my lifetime, it’s not to bite into electricity.
~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author