Death by EYE DROPS

I am participating in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge again this year. What is this mysterious blogging challenge you ask? Arlee Bird from Tossing it Out came up with this fantastic idea where bloggers post using consecutive letters of the alphabet for 26 days in April. It grew in numbers, and Arlee now has many helpers. To view other participates of the A-Z event click here.

Odd deaths happen, right? It’s sort of like being at the right place at the right wrong time. My A-Z 2016 blogging journey takes us down the road of Death by Oddity. Come join me.

E = Death by EYE DROPS

Well, actually the cap of the eye drop bottle, but close enough. In 1983 Playwright Tennessee Williams was supposedly under the influence when he held the cap of his eye drop bottle between his teeth (something he did often) while administering eye drops to his eyes. It is believed he choked on the cap that day and died.  Source

I did something similar at the age of eighteen, but sober and with a plug at the end of a pen. I didn’t die. You figured that out? Oh!

Ever done something like this and lived to tell about it? Do you find yourself mindlessly putting objects or straight pins in your mouth as you sew? (Yes that last one might be me.)

If you're looking for my Insecure Writer post, flip back one. 


There is an Excellent chance that Tennessee Williams was under the influence of something at the time. I think he almost always was.
And yes, I do put things in my mouth. Someday I will be able to give up nibbling on pens.
Fundy Blue said…
LOL ~ Death by Eye Drops! But I do feel sorry for TW. The thought of choking to death terrifies me, especially since my asthma can kick off some awful coughing jags. Straight pins in your mouth ~ now that is really scary! I mindlessly twist my hair.
JoJo said…
That's how Tennessee Williams died? Wow. I put stuff in my mouth too, esp. when crafting. I have to use all available body parts sometimes. lol
Wow, I didn't know that! What an unusual way to die.

I read a story in the Charlotte Observer (last year? A few years ago?) about a woman who kept going to the hospital with terrible pain and other issues...due to the metal foil over a pill pack. She'd accidentally (and unknowingly) swallowed the foil along with her pill and it caused all sorts of problems. Your post and the foil story are good things to think about when we're putting stuff in our mouth!
Mason Canyon said…
I didn't know that about Tennessee Williams. Very odd way to die. Yes, unfortunately I do find myself putting pen caps and straight pins in my mouth at times. Bad habit I must break.
Truman Capote died in a similar way I believe but with a cough syrup bottle. In the movie, ARABESQUE, the opening scene had a man visiting an eye doctor. The doctor put acid in the man's eyes to kill him. Ouch!!
Pat Hatt said…
I swallowed a piece of lego once, still alive too lol
Susan A Eames said…
Moral of this story is: don't hold something between your teeth if you're going to flip your head backwards!
Susan A Eames said…
Moral of this story is: don't hold something between your teeth if you're going to flip your head backwards!
Mary Aalgaard said…
I've heard of sewers having pins lodged in strange places. Take care.
They only thing I've choked on is food.
Mary Aalgaard said…
Oh, and a fish bone. That was horrible.
Cynthia said…
I've read & seen a couple of his plays and had no idea that was the way he died. How very unfortunate.

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