Odd deaths happen, right? It’s sort of like being at the right place at the right wrong time. My A-Z 2016 blogging journey takes us down the road of Death by Oddity. Come join me.
M= Death by Molasses.
This is a sticky situation, if I’ve ever read one. In Boston, on January 15, 1919, over two million gallons of molasses in a defective tank blew its rivets and exploded. Buildings collapsed. Girders were cut. It was reported that a 30 foot wall of molasses at a speed of 35 mph flowed down the street. And yes, there were deaths: 21 people died and 150 people were injured. More about it here
A yummy way to die?
I think not. A smothering horrible way to die, I imagine.
Do you like molasses? How do you feel about it now?
I do like molasses. Once years ago I got on an iron kick and started using molasses on just about everything. The diet didn't stick though and it was a passing fad for me.
They should make a movie about this disaster. It would be a disaster film unlike any other. At the theater they could serve pancakes instead of popcorn.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out