Sunday Reflection: The Meaning of Life
Someone told me when my first child was born to enjoy every single moment with him, because those moments would pass fast. I do enjoy life. And I "try" to never waste life focusing on regrets, worry and unimportant things. At a young age, I knew that my kiddos would grow up fast which led the way to enjoy them then, and now, as adults.
King Solomon, in the Bible, often proclaimed that this or that was meaningless. And he should know! He had certainly tried everything to achieve meaning to his life, but found that, apart from a relationship with God, earthly life was like chasing the wind (Ec. 1:14).
“Again I saw something meaningless under the sun:
There was a man all alone;
he had neither son nor brother.
There was no end to his toil,
yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.
“For whom am I toiling,” he asked,
“and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?”
This too is meaningless—
a miserable business!”
he had neither son nor brother.
There was no end to his toil,
yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.
“For whom am I toiling,” he asked,
“and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?”
This too is meaningless—
a miserable business!”
Life always seems to be in a hurry, drawing me nearer to my eternal place with God, which means there is no time like the present to enjoy life. And God wants his children to enjoy the meaningful things in life.
When my twelve year old granddaughter hugged me last weekend (and wouldn’t let go). I said, “I love you.” She said, “I love you, too, and I don’t want to ever let go.” Now that's meaning!