What's happening?
I've been absent for a month, from my blogs. Anytime my schedule changes (working then vacation and back to work), it seems my blogs suffer. I need to figure that one out. I will be back Wednesday for the Insecure Writer's Support Group, so come back then for a real post.
What have I been up to? Lots. Here are four:
1. I went back to work after a hot, but nice work/school vacation.
2. Millie got super sick in August. Stopped eating and drinking. White blood count up. Had a fever. I am concluding (because we don't really know at this point) that it might have been an adverse reaction to a vaccine update. Very touch and go and she's only four. She seems okay now, except for one day when she wasn't. After a round of antibiotics, for the most part, she is back to eating and drinking. Also, bullying and bossing me.
3. I'm seeing my neurologist soon. We're still trying to figure out my muscle weakness.
4. Mowing is no longer fun for me for a few reasons, mainly it's difficult for me physically now and yet the grass still grows. Plus, this is the time of year that the spiders hang from the trees in their webs. Ugh. Nothing like a web complete with spider smacking you in the face.
Hope to see you Wednesday!
What have I been up to? Lots. Here are four:
1. I went back to work after a hot, but nice work/school vacation.
2. Millie got super sick in August. Stopped eating and drinking. White blood count up. Had a fever. I am concluding (because we don't really know at this point) that it might have been an adverse reaction to a vaccine update. Very touch and go and she's only four. She seems okay now, except for one day when she wasn't. After a round of antibiotics, for the most part, she is back to eating and drinking. Also, bullying and bossing me.
3. I'm seeing my neurologist soon. We're still trying to figure out my muscle weakness.
4. Mowing is no longer fun for me for a few reasons, mainly it's difficult for me physically now and yet the grass still grows. Plus, this is the time of year that the spiders hang from the trees in their webs. Ugh. Nothing like a web complete with spider smacking you in the face.
Hope to see you Wednesday!
Mowing is never fun. A riding lawn mower makes it a little better though.
Poor Millie.
Be well.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out