Friday's Interesting People featuring Roland Yeomans
please help me welcome Roland Yeomans, author of 44 books and counting and who
also writes at Writing in the
Roland was kind enough to appear on my (first in a long while) Friday’s Important People (FIP). Enjoy!
Roland was kind enough to appear on my (first in a long while) Friday’s Important People (FIP). Enjoy!
Before we
get to my question/answer fest, let me point out a few of Roland’s more recent books.
A Sampler of Shadows "EACH of us is a
Frankenstein’s Monster. A piece of us is in every person we will ever meet.
Usually, we refuse to see those disturbing sides of us in others. The best
stories lure us into facing them. Let us talk fear and the thin ice of living
which can yawn abruptly to drop us into unexpected madness."

Other recent books and with a holiday theme are:
Click on the titles to visit these
books at Amazon.
NOW for
Inquiring Minds- FIP Questions:
T.: You are a super
busy writer, plus you have a regular life. What is your daily writing schedule
Roland: As a rare
blood courier, I have lots of time on the highways and out of the way country
roads. The kind of places you never stop
in a horror movie! I plot my novels then
and try to amuse myself with clever dialogue.
Our 1st job as writers is to entertain, right?
T.: How
do you describe your fiction? Does it fall under a genre?
Roland: I’m a Tour
Guide for Dreamers to places that should have been, could have been, and still
might be. I try to make the road trips
fun but with moments of reflection. Genre? Science Fantasy is what my mentor,
Roger Zelazny, called it.
T.: If
you could be an apprentice for a (past or present) writer, for one year, who
would that be and why that writer?
Roland: I got that
dream for 3 years with Roger Zelazny until Cancer took him. Read his THIS IMMORTAL and you will see
why. The books he autographed for me I
treasure. I would have loved for Harlan
Ellison to have mentored me, but his sharp tongue would have flayed me alive!
In tribute to him a
few days after his death, I channeled his spirit, using mostly his own words in
this blog
As a writer, what is on your bucket list to do that you haven’t done as yet?
Get on the Bestseller List or have the movie rights for one of my novels
bought. Speaking of Mr. Zelazny: he sold
the movie rights to DAMNATION ALLEY and when he saw the movie and they brought
on the flesh-eating cockroaches, he eased out of the theater, hoping no one
recognized him.
T.: Is there a novel
or movie that speaks to you as a writer that you revisit at least once a year?
If yes, how does it speak to you?
Lucky Number Slevin found here. It
teaches how to write clever dialogue, spin a fascinating tale, and care about
the characters, even the villains. On Blu Ray it is only $5.99!
If you were stranded for six months on an island with electricity
(because electricity to me matters to me more than food) and you could only
choose one “thing” to do during your exile, what would it be: Relaxing?
Writing? Painting? Staring into space?
I would read all the fascinating print books I have bought over the year, not
available on audio, and not been able to read. The biography of the legendary
Michael Curtiz I just bought would be top on the list, followed by the wartime
sermons of Rev. Peter Marshall.
As a child, did you have an imaginary friend? If so tells us about him/her/it.
Yes, Cubby, my 1st teddy bear. I loved all the fur from him, but he
still loved me. Mother darned my baby socks on his arms and legs to hold him
together. When my home burned, his loss really hit me.
T.: What did you believe
growing up that you found out later was not correct?
Roland: That Life is fair.
T.: Also as a child, were you a
loner, leader, boss, follower or shy? Did you remain true to this or morphed
into something else?
Roland: I was shy and a
loner. Being frail on the streets of
Detroit was not pleasant. I still am
shy, wishing I was more like my teen hero, Victor Standish.
T.: What is something
we don’t know about you that you want us to know?
Roland: Long ago, I
learned to play the Spanish Guitar for my fiancée, Kathryn, (which I placed on
her coffin when she was buried) and even learned to dance the Tango so she
could compete in the competitions she always wanted to. I talk of this a bit in
my recent post here.
T.: Finally, what is
the best advice you can give to any creative person who wants to see their
creation (art, writing, music, etc.) out there and loved by others?
Roland: You are a
storyteller. Entertain and captivate
your readers. Think solitary person not a mass of readers. In your mind, tell
your story to one person: friend, lover, spouse, ill child. Make them laugh, make them care, and make
them glad they spent the time with you.
About Roland
Yeomans was born in Detroit, Michigan.
But his last memories of that city are hub-caps and kneecaps since, at
the age of seven, he followed the free food when his parents moved to
Lafayette, Louisiana. The hitch-hiking
after their speeding car from state to state was a real adventure.
Once in
Louisiana, Roland learned strange new ways of pronouncing David and Richard
when they were last names. And it was
not a pleasant sight when he pronounced Comeaux for the first time.
He has
a Bachelor’s degree in English Education and a Master’s degree in
Psychology. He has been a teacher,
counselor, bookstore owner, and even a pirate since he once worked at a tax
preparation firm.
Now, he
is a rare blood courier.
So far,
he has written forty-four books. You can
find Roland at his web page: or at his private table in Meilori’s.
The web
page is safer to visit. But if you
insist on visiting Meilori’s, bring a
friend who runs slower than you.
“We know what we are, but not what we may
be.” – William Shakespeare
And finally, here is the link to Roland Yeoman’s
many story options.
Have you read anything by Roland? Did you have a
childhood friend that wasn’t human (stuffed animal, imaginary friend, something

Enjoy the coming weekend.
This is fun plus we learn more about the authors in our midst. It's a win-win.
T.C., thanks for giving us this opportunity to learn more about this awesome author and his work.
I've known Roland a long time since very early blogging days. I helped him on a blog tour for his first book or nearly first book about a bear. It's hard to believe someone I started out with has published 44 books while I haven't really published any but that's about to change. I've read most of his works and once left reviews at Amazon until Amazon must have found our we were friends and deleted them. I wish Roland every success in selling the rights to his book/s for the movies. What a ride that would be. Roland is also a long-time member of WEP and we enjoy his flash fiction on a regular basis.
I hate that Amazon won't allow you to leave reviews for my books anymore. Why not try one last time? Who knows? Amazon continually changes its corporate mind -- which makes me almost lose mine!
I wish you the highest sales with your books. Let me know when they come out so I can spotlight them on my blog. Oh, I had fun with my "Fungus Among Us" WEP Halloween flash fiction, too.