IWSG April 2020: A World in Crisis

This post was written for the Insecure Writer's Support Group monthly blogging event created and brought to you by writer Alex J Cavanaugh with co-hosts Diane Burton, JH Moncrieff, Anna @ Emaginette,Karen @ Reprobate Typewriter, Erika Beebe, andLisa Buie-Collard! Please go visit these awesome people. "In this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?"
For sure, our world is in crisis. I hope all that are reading this are doing well, and I'm praying you stay that way.
Snippets from my life:
Thus far, the county I live in reports no individuals with the Coronavirus. Since most surrounding counties do have people with the virus, it's only a matter of time before someone here tests positive.
Our school district has shut down. Although no one is saying that it's for the remainder of the school year, how could it not be? We're all mostly working from home. Students are working on lessons from the school--at home. Parents are homeschooling! If nothing else, schools could be a bit more popular after this.
I have not been to my church in a few weeks. We all know that "church" is within us if we have a relationship with God and his Son, but it would be nice to go to a church building again.
The last time my family and I got together was on March 15, the Sunday before my birthday. So glad we did.
My grandson did not get his family birthday party that comes a few days after mine, AND it's his 20th in the year 2020 which is cool.
My other grandson does not get to finish out his senior year. There will be no prom and no graduation ceremony in May. So sad.
Their grandfather died last week. We are devastated. He'd been fighting cancer for years. Have you ever been to a graveside service where lots of people attended but stood at least six feet apart? I have...now.
My daughter works in a hospital. My son has to sell car parts. So they are at work each day. Of course, I'm worried.
I am grateful that:
- I can still write my stories.
- My family is healthy so far.
- I have a family even if we are separated right now.
- I have toilet paper in my home and food. Notice the order of importance? If you don't live in the U.S. you might not get the reference.
- Spring is here and I get to be outside more and start my gardening.
- The weather is warming up. So wonderful.
Be safe and be healthy, you all!
I am very glad you are safe and hope you stay that way.
Your grandkids will miss some life experiences but keeping their life is more important.
Hope your county remains vigilant.
Anna from elements of emaginette
So sorry for your loss. This is such a trying time for "ordinary" life crisis. There are simply no words.
My daughter and sister are both nurses. I completely understand.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine what attending a funeral would be like now. Hope you and yours stay safe. Glad to hear you're keeping busy too.
Been missing blogging and some bloggers.
I am the gopher for the family. Have toilet paper and found something in the dried food department besides lentils and chick peas so we're good.
Stay safe. Miss you!
Still regret not writing that book.