I left the office

I really like going out there. Mary makes my visits pleasant.

Along the way, I photographed some buildings in the small town as I went through it, that I want to share with you.
This is or was a church. I may have mentioned at some point that it seemed like I visited every church in our county, at least once, growing up. Every time the church doors were open and services were going on my maternal grandmother was there, and I went with her many times. NO, she didn't make me go. I loved spending time with her. She didn't drive though. Hmm how did we get to all those church services? I have a memory of going to this church. Church services were well attended back then on Sundays and during the week, if there were revivals.
This is the side of an old hotel. The highway, that runs in front of it, was once well traveled and the little town saw lots of business from those travellers.
This is the side and front. Trees have grown up in the middle of the building. My adventurous side wants to go climb in and snoop. (That side of me comes from my adventurous dad.) But, I won't because it's not right to trespass, right? ...oh and I still have that spider phobia.
It's nice to get out of the office sometimes...
Good for you for your volunteer work, by the way!
Mystery Writing is Murder
Fun photos. I need to take some of the old town near us. It has 2 bars, one church and a general store....
Eileen, It is amazing how different city and country locations are, but they both have their beauty.
Joanne, Let's go sneak in after dark, BUT someone has to protect me from the...you know...
Tammy, I just have one thing to say to you. What in the world would do with two gigantic falling apart buildings? Never mind, I think I know.
Stephanie, Welcome!!Yes you need to. I really intended to take pictures 10 or 15 years ago, but didn't.