Life Edits
Are you the editor of your life?
As I write and then rewrite, I use my editing skills. During the process, I often learn what not to repeat and what works well. I’d like to say I learn the first time from my mistakes, but not necessarily. And guess what? If I don’t apply the edits, I may get the same bad results the next time.
We are the first editors over anything we do—or we should be. We should edit:
· What we say.
· What we do.
· What we spend.
· What we eat.
· What we keep.
· How we live.
Do you learn from your edits the first time (for whatever it may be) or does it take a try or two?
Be inspired to be your own life editor. Happy Wednesday!
I have to admit, it wasn't always like that though. I think it's just a bonus of age. Heck, we need some positive trade offs!!! :o)
With writing...I tend to edit something to death. I have trouble pushin' the publish button so to speak. It's that Type~A thang.
Have a glorious day sweetie!!! :o)
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs
Think and sleep on our ideas, then our writings ...
Love the phrase 'Life Editor' .. how I'd love to remember that ..
Great post - cheers for now .. Hilary
just stopping by to wish you a blessed Sunday!
betty xo