I ask you.
Why is a sitcom only 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes? Is laughing an hour over a half an hour hazardous to one’s health? Is it wrong to want that much laughter?
Laughter is a good thing.
“From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it.” Groucho Marx
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Charlie Chaplin
“Just about the time I get my lungs cleared of life’s grime, from the laughter, the sitcom ends and the laughter goes away. That's not funny.” Me (surprised?)
Stopping by from HER WORLD -
I rarely find a funny sitcome anymore, reality tv and crime shows seem to be the trend.
That's okay, I have no time for tv. I will have to make my own laughter.
Some I can happily tune in to - others I'd rather not see!
Cheers Hilary
Play off the Page
Thanks for a post that made me laugh.
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs
What I do know is that laughter is good medicine. Ya might as well laugh about it, huh?
God bless ya and have a grand day sweetie!!! :o)
Loved the video!
laughter is the best medicine!
Laughter is so healing! I watch my kids dissolve into giggles over the silliest things, and I sometimes wonder why it comes less easily to us as we grow older.
Great post!
Fun blog, by the way. I'll be back. (I know, "Don't threaten me, buster!")
you are right. Why 30 minutes?
The cat(s) made my day!
Thank you for being you.