It's my 100th

I am not ashamed to say that I blog (love) you, fellow bloggers.
I appreciate you for reading my posts for allowing me to be serious and silly. You even allowed me to show you what I own and what I buy.
You let me brag about my family and how much they mean to me. You EVEN let me read Cinderella to you. Wow, you are good blogger friends.
I started this blog in July because I love to write and I journal. My sister and my daughter both encouraged me to blog...a couple of years ago. I told them it was silly and I would NEVER blog. I owe them an apology because I love love love blogging. Please don't tell them, eating my words is never a tasteful thing.

This is my current journal which is nearly full and will retire December 31, 2009.
Journaling Woman was my third try for a blog title. It was not taken so...I took it. My journal header is an old framed print I have hanging in my bedroom that once belonged to my maternal grandmother. It's very dear to me, and I wanted to share it with the world, because it's so pretty and because it was my grandmothers. My blog header gave me that opportunity. I will probably change it some day, because that's just who I am.
I have so many interests: writing, singing, playing my guitar, sewing, reading, DIY projects, pets, shopping for old things, gardening and that's only a few. Oh and most of all spending time with my fabulous family. (I had to say that, Christmas is coming.)
I want to thank you for being so thoughtful when my China Cat died. I still miss her. She sat on my feet when I wrote some of my posts.
So, I want to celebrate with you by giving away a couple of things that symbolize me.
For the grand giveaway I want to you to have this leather journal. Did I mention I love journals, notebooks, tablets? The journal is 5" x 7", if you care.
The second giveaway is another journal - not leather but has an adorable bookmark with it.
To excite the tool girl in me, I am giving away this book by Paige Hemmis. She is on the show Extreme Makeover. I really want that pink tool belt. Then finally - nothing exciting- just a bookmark. This is in honor of the China Cat (or I can give you one of my sister's kittens...). Ok, Ok I'm just kidding.
So this is how it will work. I just need you to comment on this post within a week and tell me your in. Then I will more than likely draw names out of a hat. I was told there are programs that will randomly choose someone...I had never heard of that and this is quite embarrassing for a tech person to admit. Anyhoo, The first person drawn will get to choose which gift they would like, Second - gets to choose next and so on. As I mentioned the drawing will be one week from today for sure... absolutely positively...unless I break both arms and have to wear casts OR if my computer blows up OR if I lose the hat OR (and I really mean this one) if George decides to pop "the" question, then I will be unavailable with no apologies.
Oh and if no one enters then certain family members may be getting journals for Christmas. You'll be saving them if you enter. They may be sending you a thank you note for saving them from one less journal.
Thank you so much for visiting me and reading my words. If you have never commented here, now is a good reason to, if you would like to enter the contest. I love hearing your comments.
And I will "blog" you even if you don't comment. (That means love without commitment, just so you know that my heart belongs to George. Hope you're not jealous.)
Have a Happy Day- It's my 100th.
Good on you!
Keep it going. It is fun isn't it?.
Maybe time to get another kitty? hmmm? or at least to think about it?
Keep on luvin those tools Teresa and everything else you do. Life's too short and we're dead too long!
Blogging IS fun, isn't it?
Great picture of you! contest! I'm in, of course.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Lesley, Your blog is so neat to watch. I love your redos at 3 and want to live there. I love the wonderful clothing from the past and present. Athough, I'm still crying over the China... I am thinking about a dog...
White Dove, I love watching your blog also. Since we live on different parts of the earth, it is exciting to read about your world. I also feel like Leith is a part of my world now too.
Elizabeth, I don't know what I did without you before I found your blog. I have learned so much from you and love reading about your family and live through you regarding your book signings. Oh and I bought Pretty is as Pretty Dies to read.
Thanks to you three for being my first responders and for reading my blog.
My sister encouraged me to blog too.
Congrats for the 100th post. I really don't know what to say more but I can sincerely say that I am lucky to encounter such a great blog of such a great person. It is great to drop by and read the posts of a fellow with a common interest; writing...
As for big talking-I won't do this/that- , I do the same always and then have to give up what I say.
Keep very well. Wish you many posts...
love and blessings
Joanne, We do like that coffee. Thank you for visiting me, I appreciate you and your blog.
Yagmur, Glad you are back. Thank you for the kind words. Keep on writing !!
Tugce, You are always so encouraging, I appreciate that. Keep up the good work on your own blog.
PLEASE keep are so inspiring to me.
Congrats on your anniversary and that you love blogging!
Take care & God bless.
It won't let me leave a comment without a google account so I'm using "you know whose" account